Taking An Uber In Sacramento! Taxi vs uber! Everything You Need to Know.
It was a pivotal moment. Decision time. Call a cab or take an early morning uber in Sacramento? Okay…I’m getting ahead of myself. Let me back up to a few minutes earlier in this story.
“Natural Mystic” on my smartphone startled me awake on the eve of Thanksgiving. I reached for my cell phone and as I turned the alarm off I yelled, “F#$@!” so loud that my neighbors must have woken up. I sprung out of bed, ran into the bathroom, took a two-minute shower. Ran a comb through my hair, brushed my teeth and jumped into my clothes…all while cursing myself for hitting the snooze button a second time.
It was 6:10 a.m, I overslept an hour and ten minutes. My flight out of Sacramento International Airport was set to leave at 8:45 a.m and I was scampering around my apartment in Vacaville. a good 30 minutes (without traffic) away.
I got hit with a 4X surge price, but I didn’t really care, I just needed a ride to get to the airport fast.
Wild thoughts of running through the airport like a madman only to be denied entrance at the gate because I was a minute late raced through my head. I picked up my cell phone and hit the Uber App and ordered an Uber to Sacramento Airport.
Uber Rates Sacramento VS Taxi Rates!
In the past most of us would never think to compare Uber rates VS taxi fares in Sacramento. Even though taxis have been available for much longer than Uber in and around Sacramento we tend to just go with Uber because it’s what’s trending. But nowadays a lot of people start asking Is Uber cheaper than a taxi? taxis are mostly cheaper for longer distance trips as they’re moving at high speed, and they give discounts as well!, while Uber is might be a better choice for trips in congested areas like downtown Sacramento City
In the past, If you needed a cab in a hurry you had to call and wait or run out into the street and hail one. Uber’s technology and convenience have disrupted and revolutionized the way we get around, that’s without a doubt.
However…is taking rider share or an Uber really a better choice than taking a taxi in Sacramento?
Newsworthy But Controversial

Recently, Uber has been making headlines! and getting a lot of negative press coverage across the globe for issues related to safety. Service quality and owners’ political affiliations. The wave of media attention started after several alarming incidents. reported by both Uber passengers and drivers were made public. Just type ‘uber driver’ or ‘uber passenger’ on Google and you’ll find a host of articles! with titles including assault, lawsuit, inappropriate behavior, attack and other negative words.
All this media attention accounted for a dramatic spike in the organic search keywords “delete uber account”!! And the emergence of the #deleteuber tag in social media.
Here in Sacramento Uber has had reports of drivers harassing female passengers! which I will go over in detail later in this article.
After an extensive investigation into a variety of factors like service quality, safety, and cost. Of both taxi service near me and Uber in Sacramento. I have put together this comparison piece that every user should consider to mull over.
Rider Share And Uber VS Taxi Rates And Costs In Sacramento
I started my research on the internet by first looking into the average cab cost in Sacramento and surrounding areas. After asking my trusted friend Google a series of question. It gave me a site that calculates taxi fares anywhere in the United States. And it turns out that It costs roughly $63.00 plus tip. For a 15-mile taxi ride from Davis (where I live) to Sacramento International Airport. And noted that Sacramento Taxi Yellow Cab has discounts for airport shuttles trips!
I compared the sixty-three dollar Sacramento taxi rate to Sacramento Uber’s rate budget car (Uber X) in Sacramento and found that the budget option gives a maximum estimate of $30.00. So the Uber X service offers significant saving opportunities. When compared to the average taxi in Sacramento. However, before we write taxis off, it is important to note that the premium Uber service, Uber Black, can rack up charges of up to $118.00 for the same trip. That is nearly double the cost of the Sacramento taxi service. All that low rates for Uber X ride will make you think twice before taking a ride! as I might lose some part of service compare to a legit taxi service..
On the surface, it would appear that Uber is better! from a cost perspective than taxis in Sacramento. However, much like the price difference between Uber X and Uber Black, users must be aware that Uber In Sacramento has a feature known as “surge pricing”! Basically, surge pricing is activated during times of high demand!! And is supposed to benefit both drivers and passengers by assigning cars to those who need them most.
Basically, if you’ve got the money to shell out when prices surge, the car is yours. If you don’t have the dough, well…you just have to sit and wait until prices go back down! or like most people doing, Call a cab! Surge pricing increases the cost of an Uber by a percentage of the regular cost. and sometimes users can expect to pay as high as two and three times the normal prices.
Surge pricing is the number one complaint of Uber users in Sacramento and worldwide. Outrage over surge pricing in times of crisis such as the London Bridge terror attack in the UK! caused controversy across social media. when Uber was criticized for insensitivity and price gouging!! by taking advantage of users during an emergency situation.
So my conclusion on the uber vs taxi cost in Sacramento? Uber can be cheaper than a taxi, but not in all situations. There are times when Uber can save you some money and other times it can gouge a big, unexpected hole in your wallet. It’s the passenger’s responsibility to be diligent enough to compare prices.
Taxi and Uber Safety Issues Concerns In Sacramento

Passenger Safety
“When you make transportation as reliable as running water, everyone benefits. Especially when it’s snowing outside.” – Uber, Our Story
When Garrett Camp and Travis Kalanick founded Uber in 2009 their mission was to improve access to transportation! and challenge the status quo of the traditional taxi industry. They wanted to offer comfort and luxury transport. that was affordable and accessible to everyone.
Uber’s convenient Smartphone app gives you the option of hailing a car in minutes (even seconds). wherever you are instead of having to pre-book a taxi or get one on the street. Uber drivers in Sacramento go through background checks. but not fulfill some requirements before being accepted as a driver. like getting fingerprinted! before getting accepted! But when you hail a car you can see your driver’s photo, profile, and information.
The convenience is one thing, but Uber has been in the media spotlight for safety concerns in Sacramento. Just last year there was a sexual harassment case of a young woman! reporting that her Uber driver made sexual advances and took her on a detour off their planned route.
She claimed that she was scared and feared for her life! especially when the driver pulled onto a residential street! and into a random driveway. She thought that she was being kidnapped.
Fortunately, she was able to call home and report the Uber Lyft driver. Fortunately, she was able to send a text message to her dad who called her back immediately! after reading that the driver was making her uncomfortable. Her story was backed up by the safety feature in the app! that tracks passenger routes confirming the young woman’s story! The driver in question was immediately removed and is being dealt with by the police.
while the background checks to the Uber Sacramento driver go through without fingerprinting! The applicants for the taxi drivers job in Sacramento. To go through the department of justice background checks with fingerprinting them at the city hall! And even have to complete behind the wheel driving course. Plus the Sacramento City acknowledge test! Which includes the knowledge of city codes! customer service, running your business as a taxi driver! Additionally, a thorough vehicle safety inspections! must be carried out every two years to ensure the taxicab meets minimum safety standards!
Whether you choose to take a taxi or an Uber in Sacramento your personal safety is of the utmost important part! Always be aware of safety risks and take the correct precautions to ensure your safety, just in case.
At Augest 2018 Uber driver in Sacramento lost his mind and were trying to kidnap 3 women at the weekend!
At June 2018 at NYC Uber driver discriminate kick out the Uber girls passengers for kissing each other!
Driver Safety

The safety of passengers for any personal transportation company is paramount, but something that doesn’t always get the emphasis it deserves is the safety of the drivers.
A story from earlier last year of a driver Uber In Sacramento! proves that safety is not only an issue for passengers. A female driver was attacked in Sacramento after refusing to take 8 people in her 6-seat car.
The passengers poured water on her and began attacking her. The driver suffered injuries and was shaken up by the experience. She warned other ride-hailing of Sacramento Uber drivers to be vigilant and take extra safety precautions.
Taxi drivers have also had experiences with aggressive passengers and have been victims of planned robbery and hate crimes. In 2010, 56 year old Harbhajan Singh, a Sacramento taxi driver was brutally attacked by his passengers in what police believe to be a hate crime.
Taxi companies and ride-hailing services are doing all they can to make the safety of their passengers and drivers their number one priority.
Road Accidents and Prevention
As they say “accidents can happen”, and whenever you get into any mode of transport accidents are always a risk. When it comes to taxis and Uber in Sacramento both parties take road safety very seriously.
As mentioned previously taxis must undergo regular safety inspections to make sure vehicles are up to city code. The drivers of Uber Sacramento Airport use their own personal cars but must present an SSC (Standard Safety Certificate) before beginning working, which is valid for a year.
These measures are put in place to ensure that vehicles are roadworthy and to prevent accidents related to vehicular malfunction.
Although these measures do help to improve safety, the highest accident risks of taxi cabs and Uber arise from human error rather than vehicular malfunction. Speeding, fatigue, a distracting passenger, a lane change without signaling etc. are all factors that are quite unpredictable and difficult to prevent.
So what precautions do taxi and Uber drivers in Sacramento provide for accident prevention?
A 2012 study on health and safety precautions for taxi drivers in the San Francisco area discussed the main factors that could increase the risk of accidents and safety issues for drivers. These include stress, long working hours and negative passenger interaction.
Furthermore, strategies were implemented by both drivers and taxi companies such as diffusion/decompression stress management and practicing pro-active self-care, which proved to improve the health and safety of the drivers.
On the flip side, in 2016, Uber launched a pilot program to monitor their drivers’ behavior. A leader in Smartphone application technologies, Uber used GPS and Gyrometer technology to measure drivers’ movements and speed.
This means that they can monitor if drivers are maintaining the speed limit and also how many times they stop and start, as well as the routes they take. If any of their drivers are found to be speeding or driving recklessly, this behavior gets logged and tracked to take action against that driver.
The Pros and Cons of Becoming A Taxi or Uber Driver In Sacramento
As a driver working for a taxi company or as a driver for Uber in Sacramento, there are several differences in the job benefits, financial rewards and pitfalls. How many times has someone told you that you can earn a lot of money in one day working for Uber? Maybe you can, but are there hidden costs you’re expected to pay?
Do you get to keep all the money you make? What about hours?
These are a few of top questions people want answered when considering becoming a driver for Uber or a taxi company in Sacramento. Let’s take a look at each individually and weigh the pros and cons of becoming a driver for both sides.
The Pros of Being a Driver for Uber in Sacramento
- 100% control over your time. Hours are flexible and you can work as much or as little as you want
- You can use your own vehicle, so you feel more comfortable working and you don’t have to pay for parking your car somewhere while you work.
- According to a recent survey the “average driver” working 30 hours a week makes an annual salary of approx $35,318
- You can see the person you are going to pick up via their app profile and if they have a bad rating you can refuse the pickup
- The application let’s you see how much the fare will be so you can have an idea of how much you can make
- Payment is made electronically so you don’t need to carry cash on the job or worry about the passenger not paying when they get to their destination
Uber Cons
- Tips are not mandatory for riders, so extra cash is not commonplace for drivers of Uber in Sacramento
- When you add up the costs you need to pay for vehicle maintenance, fuel and other repairs you, car payments might not actually make as much profit as anticipated
- Uber takes a 25-30% commission and a rider fee from any money you make
- Although there’s a rider rating, you’re not 100% safe. There’s still risk involved.
- You have to wait for someone to e-hail your Uber, you can’t pick up random passengers on the street at its illegal.
- You need to make sure you have your own insurance, Uber doesn’t accept responsibility for that.
Taxi Pro’s
- You rent the taxi cab from a company which pays the insurance and maintenance costs
- You can become certified in specialist driving courses and receive an official license
- Flexible hours
- Multiple ways of acquiring passengers. You can pick them up from the taxi company’s app, dispatch or on the street
- Tips are common for taxi drivers in Sacramento. It’s customary to tip 10% of the total fare
- An average cab driver makes between $37-$43,000 a year not including tips
- You keep 100% of your fares (but there’s a catch)
Taxi Cons
- Sacramento Taxi drivers usually accept and carry cash which leaves them more vulnerable to theft or loss
- Long shifts and high stress due to the daily heavy traffic can make you prone to accidents
- Although the payout is great, holiday shifts and busy peak hours can be exhausting not worth the hustle.
- You have to pay weekly cab lease to the company for the cab (that’s the catch)
The Final Verdict – Taxi VS Uber Sacramento
Even though 2017 has been a challenging year for ride-hailing companies, Uber is still growing and expanding with over 700 operational cities worldwide and remains the leading player in the globalization of e-hail services. They’re definitely making great strides to achieving their goal of “creating possibilities for riders, drivers, and cities”.
Traditional taxi companies in Sacramento have held a monopoly over the personal transportation industry for a long time. However, things are changing. We now have more choice and access – the fundamental idea behind Uber’s creation.
2017 has also been a challenging year for the traditional taxi cabs in Sacramento. However, they have far from been replaced by Uber in Sacramento. Rather, e-hailing apps have forced existing taxi companies to rethink their position and service offerings.
Uber Sacramento Or rider share and similar services have given the industry a well-needed shake-up and caused Sacramento taxi companies to focus on offering competitive prices especially the shuttle service to Sacramento airport, quality service, and safety levels. This is evident by the fact that they have started to create their own mobile applications that offer the same wireless convenience offered by alternative transportation services.
Like Uber drivers, some taxi drivers now offer passengers bottles of water, candies and the option to choose their preferred radio station. Drivers are now being forced to focus on the entire customer experience, not just on pushing the pedal and moving the car from point A to B.
I am all about sticking it to the system and changing the order of things. Like most, I was very excited about the change that would occur from the operation of Uber in Sacramento. The unexpected but very welcomed change is that Uber in Sacramento has raised the bar for the entire industry! Not so sure. After carefully comparing the pros and cons, I will definitely consider pre-booking a traditional cab before a flight instead of ordering a last-minute Uber or booking Uber and will cancel on you last moment and you will get straddled!! – just because it’s the fashionable thing to do. While Taxi cab drivers don’t! Cancel!
Which do you prefer to use in Sacramento? Taxi or Uber? I’d love to know your opinion, feel free to share your thoughts and opinions in a comment below.